a- algemeen - Tourisme Woerden

a- algemeen - Tourisme Woerden

algemene info over "uitjes" en touristische evenementen in onze stad en regio


Nearly 50.000 inhabitants live in Woerden and her surrounding villages of Harmelen, Kamerik and Zegveld. Around 350 people are working for this municipality. Woerden is situated 15 km west of the city of Utrecht. From Woerden the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague can be reached within half an hour, by car and by public transport.
This website primarily informs our citizens and entrepreneurs about the municipal policies, legislation and (partly digital) services of Woerden.
Be our guest when you consider to start a company in our municipality. For more informatie please contact the City Hall by phone tel. +31 (0)348-42 8911. We invite you to visit us as a tourist. Woerden is the center point of an immense nature reserve called Het Groene Hart (The Green Heart). For more tourist information please contact the Tourist Board or visit their website www.beleefwoerden.com



We invite you to visit us as a tourist. Woerden is the center point of an immense nature reserve called Het Groene Hart (The Green Heart). For more tourist information please contact the Tourist Board or visit their website (engels) www.beleefwoerden.com




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